Thursday, August 10, 2006

Luther Arkwright film

"Luther Arkwright" Goes To Film (July 20th 2006) - wow that announcement was made on my birthday.

Hope the film is true to the spirit of the books. But I'd really like to see a Luther Arkwright film, I think it'd be great. I actually liked the film of V for Vendetta, but maybe that's because I saw the film and then read the book, not the other way around.

1 comment:

Joe said...

The film is different from the book - obviously it compresses material and characters as most movies have to do with books and it updates it from the very 1980s Thatcher era feel, but I think it was very much in the spirit of the book. Shame Alan took his name off it, probably the best version of his work on film. Oh well.

On the Luther Arkwright front I actually interviewed Bryan Talbot as part of British Comics Month a couple of weeks ago on the FPI blog, which you might enjoy: