Thursday, March 08, 2007


At last, conservative Christians can relax - their children will no longer have to use that dreadful, biased, obviously Wiccan Wikipedia (the clue's in the name, folks!) to do their homeschool projects. Now they can use Conservapedia instead. It contains everything you ever wanted to know about creationism, including baramins (sounds like some kind of indigestion pill to me, but there you go). The entry on kangaroos reveals the little known fact that they are actually from the Middle East. There's also some wonderful entries on American presidents (none of your unpatriotic or unchristian Wikipedia-style entries of course). And none of that nasty unAmerican spelling (like Habsburg or colour). I wonder if they have an entry on Freedom Fries?

I mean, it's one thing having a special-interest wiki for people of various religious and spiritual traditions (and other special interest groups) - it's quite another having one specially to peddle idiotic nonsense about creationism. Ah well, I suppose it provides the rest of us with a laugh.

I like the idea that Wikipedia is a Wiccan production (mwahahaha! we are everywhere, you cannot escape our tentacles of power) - never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

However, as wiki is a Hawaiian word, and the Feri and Reclaiming traditions of witchcraft are in part based upon Hawaiian traditions, maybe there is a connection.....

In other news, it has been revealed that Jesus is actually God's nephew.


Joe said...

Alas, you just know those self-same, pig-ignorant Christians assume that Wiccans, Tiki, Harry Potter and Satanism are all the same thing (oh and Catholicism too probably). Actual common sense and fact have little space in their small minds...

Yewtree said...

But we must remember that not all Christians are like that. Some of them are very open-minded.