Saturday, August 30, 2008

Justice for Jean

The Justice for Jean campaign has started a new blog, as the inquest is starting on 22nd September.
After more than three years, the inquest into the death of Jean Charles de Menezes will finally open on 22nd September 2008. It is expected to last three months.

The inquest will be the first chance the family of Jean Charles will be able to put their questions to the police officers responsible for his death. It will also be the first time we will hear evidence from the fire-arms officers who killed Jean and the civilian witnesses to the killing. The inquest will be taking place at the Oval Cricket Ground in South London and Jean’s mother and brother will be coming over from Brazil for part of it.


  1. I thought the inquest had already been held. Perhaps that was something else.

  2. Two things have been held already:

    (1) An "independent" enquiry, by the Independent Police Complaints Commission. Their report on the case blamed the shooting on poor communication and blunders within Scotland Yard. (A report last week showed that they have not implemented the recommendations of the commission).

    (2) A public prosecution of the Metropolitan Police Force (but not individuals). At this the Met was convicted of breaking "health and safety regulations" and fined £175,000.

    The de Menezes family has also launched legal action over the failure of the state to prosecute individuals, and only the Met as a body. I presume that this is because they couldn't be sure of funding a private prosecution after the inquest.

  3. I believe that the shooting of Mr. Demenezes was and always has been a decoy. Since the murder of the young Brazilian (and that is exactly what it was - STATE SPONSORED MURDER) there has been much speculation about his death, why, how, who etc. and rightly so. However nobody is asking questions about the 7/7 bombings and there are plenty of questions that need to be answered not least of which is why has there been no public inquiry?

    There are many other unanswered questions - check out Alex Jones' Terror Storm. WAKE UP Britain! the war on terror is a lie. I saw some film footage taken outside Stockwell station some weeks following the death of mr Demenezes and the woman working on a fruit and veg stall close by was being interviewed about what she saw that day and her subsequent views on the affair and she proudly proclaimed "I believe that people should give up their liberty for freedom" and she said it with a staight face. Bah Bah Bah. No wonder we never had a constitution.
