Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Badgers saved!

Great news:
On 7 July the Secretary of State announced Defra’s policy will be not to issue any licences to farmers to cull badgers to prevent bovine TB. The Secretary of State has decided that we need to put our effort into strengthening our programme of research to develop cattle and badger vaccines and plan for their deployment. £20 million will be invested over the next three years in developing usable cattle and badger vaccines.
(response from the government to a Save the Badgers petition)

The full text of Mr Benn’s statement can be found on the Defra website at:

Yay!!! I am really pleased about this.


  1. As a committed badger myself, I am deligted.

  2. Welsh for badger is 'earth pig' (mochyn daear).
